Here you'll find some useful stuff I've found on the web. I'll try to keep updating as I stumple upon more sites!
Web Design
- W3Schools
- Color Picker
- LunaPic
- Fool Lovers
- Accessible Net Directory
Great when it comes to learning different computer languages. Especially useful for neocities users but not limited to web design.
You can colorpick from images (saved or with an url) and from your screen.
Free online image editor, no need to sign up and with multiple features.
Cool Japanese site with templates, backgrounds and decorations for your site.
Many guides on how to make your site more accessible, plus code snippets.
- The Gutenberg Project
- The Internet Archive
- Biblioteca Virtual Miguel de Cervantes
If you speak Spanish, this site is a must for reading literature.
Over 70,000 free e-books available to read almost everywhere in the world.
Not limited to books, the archive hosts almost every posible media: films, music, videogames, websites, etc.
Historical Fashion
- Fashion History Timeline
A well-researched site with information about the fashion of many different periods. Mostly European.
- The MET Costume Collection
A huge collection of fashion history, from 500 AD to the present.
- Epochs of Fashion
Comprehensible information (with pictures!) ranging from the Byzantine Empire to the Victorian Era.
- Retro Games
- RetroGames
More than 2400 games available to play online, most from the 80s and 90s.
Yes, this is a different site. Same concept as the above except the games are (usually) from the 2000s.
Plenty of indie games are hosted here.
Anime Related
- MyAnimeList
Very useful site for weebs/otakus who want to keep track of their favourite shows.
General skills
- Science of People
This site has information about topics such as body language, spoken communication, and more.